Andria Lea

Somatic Therapist

Somatic Therapy NYC and Brooklyn

Andria is a Brooklyn, N.Y. native that has offices serving both the Brooklyn and Manhattan areas. She is a certified Somatic Therapist and a member of The United States Association of Body Psychology & The Somatic Therapy Training Institute.

Andria first came to this therapeutic method, as a client at the recommendation of her Pelvic Pain Physical Therapist. It was here that she connected how her emotions were affecting her progress. She became a client and learned that her healing had to start with issues of body betrayal, anger, shame, bitterness and her dysfunctional childhood. Her special interests now many years later include inner child healing, pelvic pain, body betrayal, confidence, anxiety, stress, life transitions, relationships within and with others and CPTSD.

Her favorite aspect of this body centered therapy is the creative collaboration that allows clients to express sensations, memories, emotions, old beliefs and much more in a fluid and expressive way. Instead of talking about these things, we talk directly to them. With speaking directly to these aspects of the whole self we can gain insight to understand and even change how they show up in our bodies, and our lives.

With this unique blend of Gestalt talk therapy and supportive touch Andria supports you to bypass the thinking mind and talk directly to the nervous system and how the body stores trauma, past events, chronic pain conditions, and the client’s entire life story including the past and present to change how the client can move in the future.

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